Philadelphia black police group endorses Krasner for DA

 Guardian Civic League President Rochelle Bilal announces her organization's support for Larry Krasner for Philadelphia district attorney. (Emma Lee/WHYY)

Guardian Civic League President Rochelle Bilal announces her organization's support for Larry Krasner for Philadelphia district attorney. (Emma Lee/WHYY)

Democratic candidate for Philadelphia district attorney, Larry Krasner, has sued the city’s police department 75 times — and that’s one reason a group of officers is endorsing him.

With about 2,000 members, the Guardian Civic League has supported Philadelphia’s black police officers since 1956. 

The group endorsed former city managing director Rich Negrin during the Democratic primary, but is now throwing its support behind Krasner, the anti-establishment nominee and longtime civil rights attorney.

Like Krasner, the Guardian Civic League has sued the city’s police department in the past.

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“We have always been on the side of fighting for our civil rights, so we understand that a person being a civil rights attorney might not be that bad after all,” said President Rochelle Bilal.

Krasner has a tense relationship with leaders of Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5, the union representing the city’s officers, but said he has been invited to speak to members and seek their endorsement. That meeting has not yet been scheduled.

“I have said, from the very beginning, I am a big supporter of good police officers,” Krasner said. “And regardless of when endorsements come or do not come, I intend to stand for fairness and equal treatment for everyone, including good police officers, so that is not a primary concern of mine.”

Krasner faces Republican Beth Grossman in November’s general election. 

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