Philly tops hepatitis shots

A report released today finds 84 percent of newborns in Philadelphia are immunized against hepatitis b. According to the ...

16 years ago

Specter hears insurance debate

Health insurance executives spent the day in Washington before a Senate subcommittee as part of an ongoing effort to convince regula ...

16 years ago

Doping Control Efforts at Olympics

The Summer Olympics are just a week away, and already several doping stories are casting a shadow over the games. US swimmer Jessica ...

16 years ago

CHOP to open Norristown clinic

The Children’s Hopsital of Philadelphia has announced plans to open a facility in Norristown, financed by a 15 million doll ...

16 years ago

Managing stress

High gas prices and the increased cost of living are keeping many people from taking a vacation this summer. Research done by the US Trav ...

16 years ago

West Nile pops up early in PA

Several dozen mosquitoes have tested positive for West Nile virus in 15 Pennsylvania counties so far this year. According to the ...

16 years ago