Nutter budget reflects citizen input

    During his budget address today, Mayor Nutter mentioned by name a handful of residents he talked to during the budget process. He cited their concerns about tax delinquents, health centers, and the city’s vehicle fleet. Thousands of others also weighed in at kitchen table discussions and forums.

    During his budget address today, Mayor Nutter mentioned by name a handful of residents he talked to during the budget process.  He cited their concerns about tax delinquents, health centers, and the city’s vehicle fleet. Thousands of others also weighed in at kitchen table discussions and forums.

    Just before laying out his budget decisions, Mayor Nutter told a small group of residents he worked their requests into his budget.

    Juniata resident Gregory Bentancourt invited the Mayor into his house in early February to talk with two dozen community members about the budget.

    The block captain says many in his neighborhood are not big fans of the Mayor’s proposed tax increases including a property tax hike of 19 percent in the first year.

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    Bentancourt: “I’d rather pay the 19% than have people laid off.  We don’t need more people laid off especially cops and firemen because there’s too much crime in this city.”

    Southwest Philadelphia resident Helen Divers was among those who hosted Mayor Nutter on his kitchen table tour.
    Southwest Philadelphia resident Helen Divers was among those who hosted Mayor Nutter on his kitchen table tour.

    More than 30 people also packed Helen Divers‘ home in Southwest Philadelphia for a kitchen table talk with the Mayor. Divers says there were plenty of complaints about library and recreation center closures. She says the Mayor’s plan to keep them open is evidence he was listening.

    Click on the play button below or right click on this link and choose “Save Link As” to download. [audio: reports20090319lfbudget1.mp3]

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