NJ’s post-Sandy resilience touted in banners in DC
Banners and signs proclaiming New Jersey’s resilience post-Superstorm Sandy have gone up in the nation’s capital.
They read “New Jersey: A State of Resilience.”The ad campaign is spearheaded by the state’s privately funded Choose New Jersey Inc.
Signs are already up on the sides of 150 buses in Washington in time for the presidential inauguration. They’ll be there at least a month. Four huge banners have also gone up at Washington’s Union Station.
They all show silhouetted construction workers but make no reference to Gov. Chris Christie.
The ads will also appear in New Orleans during the Super Bowl and Mardi Gras, and in other major markets through the year.
In addition, they’ll show up on billboards in New Jersey, television spots, magazines, newspapers and social media platforms.
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