Mayor Nutter and the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation host two public engagement opportunities on the Central Delaware Riverfront

The Civic Vision for the Central Delaware takes another step forward in two public meetings in the next two weeks, and I hope that you will be able to attend both to make your voice heard.

Tomorrow night (Tuesday, November 10), the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation will host a public interview of 5 finalists under consideration to develop the master plan for the Central Delaware. The master plan is intended to build on the work of the Civic Vision by putting the lines on paper for streets, trails, parks and development which will ultimately be adopted as part of the city plan.  This is your opportunity to begin to participate in the planning process which will occur over the next year and to frame the discussion from the citizen’s perspective.  Don’t miss this opportunity to take the vision for the riverfront one step further.

Also, next Wednesday, November 18 will be another opportunity for you to participate, by reviewing the design concepts proposed for Pier 11.  The park at Pier 11 will be the first new public space created on the Central Delaware, so it is an important first step in setting a high standard for design and public access on the riverfront.  The plan will include connections to Old City along Race Street, which presents another opportunity to provide meaningful feedback on how to connect the riverfront to neighborhoods.

Information about the two meetings is below, and you should rsvp to either or both by sending an email to

Thanks as always for you interest in the future of the Central Delaware.  I hope to see you there,


Posted by Harris Steinberg

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