Cruz brings campaign to Hershey

    Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas speaks during a rally

    Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas speaks during a rally

    Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is turning his attention to Pennsylvania as he tries to cut into Donald Trump’s lead.

    Cruz greeted supporters in Hershey Wednesday morning, where his audience cheered as he pledged to repeal Obamacare, establish a flat tax, and quash the IRS.

    The Texas senator waxed sarcastic about Trump winning most of the Republican delegates in New York, the businessman’s home state. “Truly a remarkable achievement,” Cruz quipped.

    If he was smarting about faring worse in the New York primary than Trump and longshot candidate John Kasich, he didn’t let on.

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    “Let me tell you what Donald and the media want to convince everyone — that Pennsylvania is a suburb of Manhattan … Manhattan has spoken, and Pennsylvania will quietly file into obedience,” said Cruz. The crowd booed. “You know what? I’ve got a lot more faith in the people of Pennsylvania.”

    After coming out last in the New York primary, Cruz can no longer win enough support to snag the Republican nod ahead of the party’s nominating convention this summer. Supporters in Hershey said they’re looking forward to seeing how he might fare on a second or third ballot among convention delegates.

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