Council cuts the talk, passes cell phone ban

    Philadelphia City Council banned cell phone use by drivers yesterday. Drivers in Philadelphia will have to hold off on text-messaging, emailing or speaking on a cell phone without a hands-free device.

    Philadelphia City Council banned cell phone use by drivers yesterday. Drivers in Philadelphia will have to hold off on text-messaging, emailing or speaking on a cell phone without a hands-free device.

    [audio: 090417spcouncil.mp3]

    City council voted unanimously in favor of the ban. Councilman Bill Greenlee says it’s a common sense issue of safety.

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    Greenlee: You don’t have to hear from people or read studies, just go out to 15th and Market right now and it won’t take long to see an example that’s not in good enough control of their vehicle because they’re on a cell phone.

    Drivers caught talking on cell phones could face a $150 dollar fine for their first offense. The ban would apply to bicyclists, skateboarders and rollerbladers.

    No Pennsylvania law bans cell phone use while driving, but legislation was recently introduced in Harrisburg.

    New Jersey bans cell phone use in cars unless drivers use a hands free device.

    Mayor Nutter is expected to sign the bill, which would then take effect immediately.

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