Cook-Wissahickon School adjusts amid budget cuts

In a recent Inquirer column by Monica Yant Kinney, the hard-hitting impact of budget cuts at Cook-Wissahickon Elementary School in Philadelphia’s Roxborough section took center stage. 

Yant Kinny noted that the class sizes at the K-8 school on E. Salaignac Street have ballooned. The Spanish teacher, librarian, school police officer, assistant principal and funding for the intellectually gifted have all been cut. The music teacher is in only two days a week and the custodial crew has taken a hit. 

With Cook-Wissahickon nearing its 550 student capacity, members of the school community are calling out to parents for help in the form of artwork help from home and volunteer classroom aides.  

Some parents Yant Kinney spoke with are concerned that these dramatic changes will negatively impact their children while others say they are still pleased with the school environment. 

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So, NewsWorks wants to hear from you.  

What do you think of the situation at Cook-Wissahickon School?  

If your child attends the school, what are you seeing so far at the school this year?  

If you’ve decided not to send your child there, what would have to change for you to send your child there?

Please use the comment section below to voice your opinion.  We also welcome any parents or staff of the Cook-Wissahickon community to give their take in an essay format to be posted on NewsWorks at a later date. 

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