Christie declares victory with new town hall signs

    Update: Fair Lawn residents don’t appear to be taking too well to the signs. A handful of protesters at the town hall meeting have been tossed out for refusing to stop singing about being sent to Auschwitz. The Associated Press reports this could be the first time in Christie’s 20 town hall appearances that protesters have been asked to leave.

    Original report: N.J. Gov. Chris Christie is feeling pretty good about himself, and he’s showing it.

    The guv. showed up to today’s town hall meeting in north Jersey with new signs. According to the Associated Press, the old “Christie Reform Agenda” signs have been replaced with ones that read, “Doing big things. Can’t stop us now!”

    Neither slogan is particularly creative, but the new one looks to be a literal sign of victory dance now that the Senate has passed the bill to require public workers to pay more for their pensions and benefits.

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