Businesses worried about end of rate caps

    Some small businesses owners in Philadelphia struggling to stay afloat in the troubled economy may also be dreading higher energy rates. Pennsylvania is heading through the final stage of deregulating utilities. An event tonight aims to help businesses figure out how to handle the rate cap expiration.

    Some small businesses owners in Philadelphia struggling to stay afloat in the troubled economy may also be dreading higher energy rates. Pennsylvania is heading through the final stage of deregulating utilities. An event tonight aims to help businesses figure out how to handle the rate cap expiration.

    For some business owners who are just getting by, higher energy bills could prompt a “Going out of business sale.”

    Center City Proprietor’s Association Sustainability Committee Chair Kristie Bergey says the goal of the event is to educate businessowners.

    Bergey: “In 18 months they’re being faced with up to 80% in height increases in their utility bills. Many of them are not aware of what their rights are. With deregulation we will have the right to call on other power companies outside of PECO to provide our power.”

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    Bergey says aside from the rate cap expiration issue, using less energy is a good way for businessowners to save money. She suggests businessowners who rent talk with the landlord about installing new lighting, heating and cooling systems.

    Click on the play button below or right click on this link and choose “Save Link As” to download. [audio: reports20090325bizrates.mp3]

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