
A huge fundraising event for the Voorhees animal shelter returns Saturday

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Area dog lovers will want to head to John Connelly Park in Voorhees this Saturday, Sept 23, to catchthe 21st annual Woofstock Festival.

Thousands turn out for the pet fundraiser put on each year by the Voorhees Animal Orphanage.

Returning as the event’s special guests are Master Chef Joseph Poon and animal communicator,Elizabeth “Dr. Liz” Severino. Poon will be demonstrating elaborate fruit and vegetable carvings andSeverino will be doing animal readings by appointment.

Also returning will be the Joseph Ferko String Band to lead the VOA alumni parade of previously adopted pets.

The festival will feature more than 100 craft vendors. 15 food trucks, live music and pet demonstrations. Numerous animal rescue groups will be on hand with plenty of new fur children to adopt, too.

Attendees can get their pet microchipped ($25 fee) and custom-fitted for a headlight harness.

Admission cost just $2. Kids under age 12 and seniors enter for free.

Saturday, Sep. 23, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.(rain date Oct. 7) – 605 Centennial Blvd., Voorhees, N.J.