The Pulse Archive
The art of triage — one emergency room’s approach
A look at the systems one medical emergency department uses to keep from getting bogged down. Einstein Medical Center’s Nort ...
11 years ago
ListenThe other side of the waiting room door
Dr. Gearhart of Penn Ob/Gyn and Midwifery walks us through the complicated shuffle of his daily appointment routine. Wait ti ...
11 years ago
ListenThe algorithms and strategies behind minimizing your elevator wait time
Theresa Christy, a mathematician and Otis Elevator Research Fellow, explains the science behind your elevator experience. So ...
11 years ago
ListenVillanova scientists predict oil sands’ impact on peat, climate change
Scientists study the impact of pollution on peat for clues about the future of Earth’s climate. You may be familiar with pea ...
11 years ago
ListenWaiting for sex: A 12-month experiment in abstinence
Would you voluntarily give up sex for a full year? One woman did and decided to share her story with The Pulse. Waiting can ...
11 years ago
ListenWhere do you get your weather forecasts? TV news channels? Maybe you use the web? Or the local paper? The Farmers Almanac? No matte ...
Air Date: March 7, 2014
ListenThe science of forecasting wintry weather
Everybody loves talking about the weather. But how do we know what numbers to fret about in the first place? Remember ...
11 years ago
ListenWhy are no two snowflakes the same?
An end-of-winter reminder on the science and wonder of snowflakes. Dirty snowdrifts and hard-packed piles can make it hard to appr ...
11 years ago
ListenHow Walgreens is predicting your cold and flu spending patterns
Using algorithms to predict when each cold and flu season will hit and what medicines customers will buy. It’s a ...
11 years ago
ListenMalacologist Amanda Lawless talks marauding African land snails and other mollusks
In this week’s ‘So, What Do You Do?’ segment, public health student Teagan Keating asks Amanda Lawless about her career ...
11 years ago
ListenCreating a new use for old weather logs
How ships’ weather records, dating back 250 years, are helping to predict future weather patterns. You’ve probab ...
11 years ago
ListenHow did the Farmers’ Almanac ‘nail’ this winter’s forecast? That’s a secret
With secret formulas, a weather “prognosticator” and nearly 200 years of history, the Farmers’ Almanac has its own take ...
11 years ago
ListenPhase I study finds ‘gene editing’ aimed at making patients’ cells resistant to HIV to be safe
For decades, HIV has outpaced the scientists trying to eradicate it, often morphing and hiding deep in patients’ bodies. Researcher ...
11 years ago
ListenMaking percussion instruments out of pill bottles, and other stories of living with cystic fibrosis
Philadelphia musician and recording store owner Brian McTear talks about ‘chasing life expectancy’ with cystic fibrosis. ...
11 years ago
ListenPredicting weather: mostly true with a chance of error
Tom Thunstrom of Phillyweather.net tells us what we can – and can’t – predict when it comes to weather. No ...
11 years ago
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