A conversation on college readiness and affordability

Listen 00:48:42

Guests: Daniel Koretz, John Mooney, Joni Finney, and William Doyle

This hour we look at college readiness and affordability. First, test scores from the National Assessment of Educational Progress just came out.  They showed that only 37% of 12th graders are prepared for college math and reading.  Guest host Mary Cummings-Jordan talks with Harvard University education professor DANIEL KORETZ about why there’s serious cause of concern. Then, in New Jersey the standardized reading and math test PARCC could become mandatory for high school graduation. JOHN MOONEY, education reporter with NJ Spotlight, fills us in on the proposal for the exit exam. Lastly, a new report finds that colleges and universities in all 50 states are becoming less affordable.  Pennsylvania’s schools were among the priciest, ranking second to last.  We’ll talk with two authors of the report, JONI FINNEY, professor of practice from the University of Pennsylvania, and WILLIAM DOYLE, a professor of higher education at Vanderbilt University, about why higher education costs continue to rise.

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