Amid federal investigation, Pa. pension systems to be audited
State Auditor General Eugene DePasquale is planning an audit of how money’s being managed in Pennsylvania’s two biggest emplo ...
9 years ago
Scranton settles on payment terms for 2011 union judgement
The city negotiated lower interest rates and pension reform. On Friday, Scranton Mayor Bill Courtright announced that a settlement ...
9 years ago
Pennsylvania pension systems say they’ve cut management fees
Pennsylvania’s two large public-sector pension systems say they’ve reduced their investment management fees by millions of do ...
9 years ago
Capitol recap: Proposed municipal pensions fix would allow skipping public bids
The exemption would apply to 98 percent of Pennsylvania’s municipal retirement systems. Susquehanna Township’s figured ...
9 years ago
Capitol recap: Lawmakers move on municipal pension reforms
Gov. Wolf’s spokesman says only state — and not municipal — pension systems will change as part of budget compromise. La ...
9 years ago
Capitol recap: Pennsylvania municipal pensions overhaul outlined in new bill
A measure just introduced in the state Senate hits nearly every point in the platform championed by local pension reform advocates. ...
10 years ago
State pension crisis: Where do we go from here?
There may not be three more yawn-inducing words in the English language than: “public employee pensions.” But co ...
10 years ago
ListenState pension crisis: How did we get here?
The strategy of kicking the can down the road works — sort of — until the can gets too big and the road narrows.   ...
10 years ago
ListenWith all the talk about pension reform, a look at whether existing guidelines are enforced
Some Pennsylvania lawmakers say the rules governing public pensions need to change, but not everyone follows the guidelines already in pl ...
10 years ago
ListenRomans, booty and sailors: all part of the history of pensions
Unfunded pensions have been around for thousands of years—even as far back as the Roman Republic. As we were reporting on the pr ...
10 years ago
ListenCapitol recap: how would pensioners be treated in a municipal bankruptcy?
Short answer: it depends on the judge. Some legal scholars have long held that a bankruptcy judge can cut pension benefits because ...
10 years ago
Is it fair for city workers to use overtime to spike their pensions?
We’ll explore that question, and tell you about a spiking saga that unfolded in Allentown. At the end of 2011, the city of A ...
10 years ago
ListenWhat do you think? Share your ideas about pensions with Keystone Crossroads
Our reporting about Pennsylvania’s municipal pensions is not complete. We want to hear from you. Nearly half of local govern ...
10 years ago
Pennsylvania’s municipal pensions are underfunded by $7.7 billion, and here’s why
Adjusting assumed rates of return on investments and setting a higher retirement age could go a long way to better funding pensions. ...
10 years ago
ListenAre young municipal workers bearing the brunt of pension reform?
For municipalities, reforming pensions often means changing retirement benefits for the newest workers. Many Pennsylvania municipa ...
10 years ago