Loving: 50 Years
This year marks the 50th anniversary of Loving v. Virginia, the U.S. Supreme Court case that overturned state laws banning interracial marriage.
If people get interracial marriage wrong, it can be worse with divorce
My first real clue that things actually weren't as rosy as I thought came when people anxiously wanted to know if I would keep my married name.
8 years ago
This white chocolate martini does not mean what you think it means
It wasn't until eight years later that my husband and I realized the pun: a white bride and black groom. We felt a little embarrassed by the unintended joke.
8 years ago
In my mixed-race marriage, the rose-colored glasses come off
To prevent people from making racially charged comments, should we talk right up front about my husband's race, or do we just hope they'll not be racist all on their own?
8 years ago
How my husband helped me see racism and my dad set aside prejudice
The first time I started seeing things differently was because of Tommy. The rules are different for him than they are for me. I still don't know how he navigates them.
8 years ago