Behavioral Health
How to accept an addict at your holiday party
With approximately one in 10 Americans having a problem with addiction, the odds are that someone at your holiday celebration this year struggles with substance abuse.
8 years ago
A tangled path from Khmer Rouge refugee to community healer
Imagine for a moment your childhood memories included living in a bomb shelter for years, watching your 2-year-old sister die in your arms.
8 years ago
My 9-year-old has insomnia; here’s what I learned
Our 9-year-old son has recently been battling insomnia, lying awake each night until 10 or 11 p.m. The rare nights he falls asleep easily ...
8 years ago
I might have Asperger’s Syndrome, but do I really want to know?
People just don't seem to understand the way I think, so when they can follow my train of thought, it feels like I have superpowers.
8 years ago
This is what I’m doing while you are asleep
I don’t know if it is due to an undesirable hereditary trait or some kind of chemical change, but insomnia seems to have attacked my sy ...
9 years ago
Philly women of color offer stories of hope amid struggle for mental health
Vanessa Hazzard and Iresha Picot want more people of color to feel comfortable talking about mental health care. Statistics show t ...
9 years ago
Helping doctors help Pa. kids without over reliance on psychiatric drugs
After two years of progress reducing how often Pennsylvania kids on Medicaid are prescribed psychiatric medications, the state is offerin ...
9 years ago
Are good care and compassion lost in efforts to curb opioid prescriptions?
“I feel like I have to re-prove myself every time I go to the doctor” — a patient and a health policy expert weigh in on Am ...
9 years ago
Listen 10:28Even in kids, meditation can improve focus in classroom
Chelsea Silver has been meditating for more than four years. She’s kind of a meditation pro, and she’s only in the fourth gra ...
9 years ago
Healing Works hub offers culturally aware help for trauma
A new initiative is trying to combine resources for all organizations serving young men of color. One of the goals is to bring attention ...
9 years ago
Delaware County company leads way in recruiting job candidates on autism spectrum
As companies begin to think more critically about how to attract and retain job candidates on the autism spectrum, SAP, a global software ...
9 years ago
Anti-anxiety drugs combined with opioids can be deadly
Anti-anxiety sedatives such as Ativan, Xanax and Valium may not be as safe as once thought. Known as benzodiazepines, the drugs wo ...
9 years ago
Increased depression not an issue for transgender kids with support
New research has found that transgender children who receive social and family support during their transition do not suffer from a highe ...
9 years ago
Stretching psychiatric care in rural Pennsylvania
Just 10 psychiatrists are available for every 100,000 people in Pennsylvania, and they tend to cluster in urban areas. Some don’t a ...
9 years ago
ListenReminding people of common roots can undercut racial bias, study finds
Scientists have discovered that implicit racial bias may diminish when people are reminded of shared group identities. The researc ...
9 years ago