Why do some N.J. lawmakers want to increase prison terms for heroin possession?
Some criticize a call for tougher penalties as a harbinger of a return to failed policies from the days of the war on drugs.
7 years ago
To help first responders save lives, N.J. may adjust rules on opioid antidote
A measure to help combat opioid overdoses is awaiting final legislative approval in the New Jersey Senate.
7 years ago
Teen opioid abuse dropping nationwide, survey finds
Researchers say higher rates of past drug abuse by teens may have contributed to the increase of opioid addiction in adults — and the current overdose crisis.
7 years ago
Listen 1:20Pa. sets new guidelines for prescribing opioids to kids
The guidelines are the latest in a series the state has adopted to advise doctors in different medical specialties.
7 years ago