Susie Perloff
More from the Contributor
How not to inspire confidence among diners: A guide for restaurants
I ask about the likely cleanliness of his thumb, after carrying used plates, napkins, and forks. He apologizes, but he is not the culprit. Management is.
7 years ago
A view of Trump’s wall from our neighbors to the south
During a recent vacation week in Playa del Carmen, a tourist town 30 miles south of the Cancun airport, I chatted with dozens of locals, ...
8 years ago
The sky isn’t falling — but it sure looks like it could
On the north side of Chestnut, opposite the Prince Theater, construction crews are building two hotels, one of which will rise 52 stories ...
8 years ago
The Electoral College is in need of an adjustment
Is the Electoral College a ridiculous relic or an essential element of democracy? Should Congress dismantle it? Do better alternatives exist?
8 years ago
Women who lose their hair, and the wigs that keep it private
About a third of women experience hair loss. After menopause, that fraction doubles, with thinning hair and bald spots stealing happiness, self-esteem, and quality of life.
8 years ago
I want to be a volunteer, dammit!
The email that arrived at 3:30 p.m. took my breath away. It caused a crushing sensation in my gut. Don’t show up to volunteer for t ...
9 years ago
‘I was always one paycheck from being homeless’
“I’ve been on the streets for eight years. It started when my father passed away. I didn’t get along with my stepmom. I ...
9 years ago
In a world of ‘not my job,’ do you shut up or speak up?
My 10-year-old granddaughter is body surfing in the ocean. One of two young lifeguards is sta ...
9 years ago
Pat-down becomes put-down as abusive attitude of TSA agents spreads humiliation
It’s almost time to pack for vacation. These days, I worry less about choosing bathing suits and earmuffs than about going through ...
9 years ago
Philly’s a great ‘food city,’ but you can keep your fancy restaurants
What’s a food city? What’s a “great” food city? I prefer culinary destinations with less ego, fewer hidden c ...
9 years ago
Annual stop at Ladder 5 shows Mummers’ respect for 9/11 responders
During the Mummers Parade, search among the sequins, feathers, and face paint for the man wearing the Class A fireman’s uniform and a b ...
9 years ago
How to be a Philadelphia ambassador to a million of the pope’s best friends
When a million fans of the pope descend on Philadelphia this weekend, how can the rest of us make them feel welcome? I have some ideas. ...
9 years ago