Phil Gregory
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Democrat leads Republican in N.J. gubernatorial poll, but few voters paying attention
A new Monmouth University poll about this year’s New Jersey governor’s race shows Democrat Phil Murphy with a 27-point lead o ...
7 years ago
N.J. should address lack of statewide mandate for standardized house numbers, officials say
Many towns and counties in New Jersey have local laws requiring address numbers to be displayed at homes and commercial buildings, but th ...
7 years ago
ListenBooker: Incarcerated moms should be placed closer to their kids
Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) are introducing legislation to help female inmates stay connected to their fami ...
7 years ago
Pollster: Christie may have found the floor for his ratings
A Monmouth University Poll finds New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s voter approval ratings remain in the cellar. Onl ...
7 years ago
Fund for New Jersey offers roadmap for solving pension crisis
A private New Jersey foundation that provides public policy grants said poor fiscal decisions are hampering the state’s ability to ...
7 years ago
Report: What colleges can do to reduce sexual assaults on campus
After a year of research, the New Jersey Campus Sexual Assault Task Force has issued a 39-page report on steps colleges must take to make ...
7 years ago
N.J. voters could be asked to approve public library construction bonds
New Jersey voters may be asked to approve $125 million to build and expand public libraries. The proposed ballot question first needs leg ...
7 years ago
Gov Christie and legislative Democrats appear close to agreement on school funding
As the June 30 deadline for enacting a state budget approaches, New Jersey lawmakers are also considering whether to pass several other c ...
8 years ago
Gov: I-95 paving project in Mercer County will be done by fall 2018
Thanks to a higher gas tax, more than 925 road and transit projects are underway in New Jersey. Governor Christie is touting one set to i ...
8 years ago
N.J. lawmakers worry about security costs if Trump frequents Bedminster
New Jersey lawmakers want the federal government to reimburse the town of Bedminster and Somerset County for security costs when Presiden ...
8 years ago
NJ NAACP: Legalizing marijuana is a civil rights issue
Most of those who testified at a New Jersey Senate committee hearing said they support legislation to legalize possession of up to an oun ...
8 years ago