Meir Rinde is an investigative reporter at Billy Penn covering topics ranging from politics and government to history and pop culture. He’s previously written for PlanPhilly, Shelterforce, NJ Spotlight, and other publications, and was a staff writer at the Trenton Times and Lawrence Eagle-Tribune. He lives in Passyunk Square with his family.
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Federal prosecutors began Tuesday to present evidence that Councilmember Bobby Henon was bribed to oppose an audit of the PPA.
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John Dougherty told Bobby Henon to delay Comcast deal in recorded call
As the corruption case moved into its fourth week, prospectors dug into wiretapped calls about the city’s franchise deal with Comcast.
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After the owner of MJK Electrical bribed Johnny Dougherty, his company scored a $9 million deal with Comcast.
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Sanitation solutions: How giving people trash bins made Baltimore cleaner
Baltimore’s green bin program shows there are relatively simple steps cities can take to tangibly improve the cleanliness of neighborhoods.
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After a local company towed union leader Johnny “Doc” Dougherty’s car, he allegedly acted fast to get revenge. His medium: City Councilmember Bobby Henon.
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Sanitation Solutions: How hidden cameras became Philly’s fiercest weapon in the war on dumping
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Sanitation Solutions: When the city let them down, Philly rose up — with orange trash cans
I Love Thy Hood's Matthew George stepped up to help attack Philadelphia’s dirty streets problem. He is learning the limits of what volunteers can do.
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FBI wiretaps capture union pres Jim Gardler telling Philly council member to make Verizon ‘sweat’
Prosecutors in the Philly council member’s federal corruption trial drilled into allegations that he acted against the telecom giant for campaign donations.
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Feds allege Councilmember Bobby Henon punished Verizon to help campaign donor
On the sixth day of the Dougherty-Henon federal corruption trial, testimony centered on allegations that Councilmember Bobby Henon abused his power to help a donor.
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‘He said he could have me replaced’: City official alleges threat from Johnny Doc
The second week of testimony began Tuesday in the federal corruption trial of Philly union leader John Dougherty and City Councilmember Bobby Henon.
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‘Do it because it helps me’: FBI drills into alleged Dougherty-Henon corruption
Federal prosecutors and defense attorneys tussled over who was in charge when councilman Henon allegedly took orders from union leader Dougherty.
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‘Just John’s little guy’: FBI wiretaps reveal power play between union leader, council member
FBI wiretaps captured conversations between Local 98 union leader Johnny Doc and City Councilmember Bobby Henon about political favors and dirty payback.
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