Irina Zhorov
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Ideas Worth Stealing: Investing pension funds in infrastructure projects
Some large pensions funds around the world are funding infrastructure projects and getting returns. Could this be an option in Pa.? ...
10 years ago
State bill proposes exempting data centers from sales tax
Bills making their way through the Pennsylvania legislature would provide data centers with a sales tax exemption on purchased equipment. ...
10 years ago
The state of sewer pipelines in Pennsylvania
Wastewater pipeline infrastructure in Pennsylvania is old and in some cities pollutes rivers. Pennsylvania is an old state, ...
10 years ago
For urban development that can’t attract traditional financing, crowdfunding jumps in
Small Change will focus on urban projects with the potential to do good in their communities. Eve Picker takes her computer out of ...
10 years ago
ListenPittsburgh welcomes option of possible pension handover to state agency
Pittsburgh is “pleased [it] has the option” to join PMRS, said Tim McNulty, spokesman for Mayor Bill Peduto. ...
10 years ago
Governor’s task force releases recommendations to help distressed pension funds
It’s now up to the Governor and the legislature to consider turning these recommendations into laws. Governor Tom Wo ...
10 years ago
Scranton mayor calls for pension funds to be moved to state management system
Following a scathing report, Scranton’s mayor wants to transfer all of the city’s pension funds to the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirem ...
10 years ago
Scranton officials improperly doubled pension payments to city workers
New report says ‘the transactions surrounding the doubling of pension payments has revealed a disregard for the applicable laws gov ...
10 years ago
A new plan to make Pittsburgh more welcoming to immigrants
A plan to make immigrants feel welcome in Pittsburgh includes initiatives like municipal ID cards and community policing. ...
10 years ago
At policy summit on housing, human capital, and inequality, many questions but also some solutions
Pittsburgh has made a comeback as a city, but hasn’t overcome inequality and access to opportunity . Pittsburgh Mayor Bill ...
10 years ago
What household income distribution looks like in Pennsylvania cities
Pennsylvania cities have more low-income households and fewer higher-earning households than the national average. Pennsylvania ci ...
10 years ago
Colwyn, Pa.’s newest Act 47 municipality, appointed recovery team
Tiny Colwyn, (population 2,500) which borders Southwest Philadelphia, is the newest municipality to be declared distressed under the stat ...
10 years ago