Anndee Hochman
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Diverse casting helps us understand the richness of the human story
The production of "The Diary of Anne Frank" at People’s Light and Theatre in Malvern, Pa., which included a multiracial ensemble of actors, stirred controversy.
7 years ago
Thinking of my teachers and the absurdity of arming them
America’s teachers don’t need guns. What they need is a commitment to preserve schools as places where students and staff feel safe and nourished.
7 years ago
Re-educating sexual harassers: What could restorative justice look like?
Can a human being change? Can a culture? It's not too late to begin.
7 years ago
It’s not rocket science. It’s not even algebra 2. It’s a no-duh equation: Countries with more stringent gun controls clock fewer gun murders.
7 years ago
The world won’t change until women of privilege make room for all women
It’s one thing to stand for inclusivity and racial justice; it’s something else to walk those values every day.
7 years ago
The unexpected family, a tangle of beautiful threads
When a surprise half-sister shows up for dinner, the family around your table is not what anyone could have predicted.
7 years ago
Not all men in power are tumbling after sexual misconduct allegations
The entertainment and media worlds are finally waking up: Men in power can’t grab, grope, kiss, demean, threaten or proposition women or men and expect to keep their jobs.
7 years ago
Americans must decide who we stand with and what we kneel for
Does standing up for racial justice, economic equity, compassion, or truth demand, at crucial moments, that we plant one shoe on the earth and lower the other knee?
7 years ago
This story is part of a WHYY series examining how the United States, four decades later, is st ...
7 years ago
Sometimes winning means being smart enough to work together
When I broke my kneecap in June, a good friend sent me the Ultimate Crossword Omnibus, a bible-thick book of puzzles pulled from the page ...
8 years ago
Dolls? Trucks? I’ll take what’s behind door No. 3
Elissa yearned for a toy truck. She received a pink Jeep, a pale facsimile of what she had in mind. And I have a memory of browsing the a ...
8 years ago
Essay: Bound by bulletin board, a neighborhood on the right ‘tack’
"Former journalist seeks writing partner for regular meetings to share work in progress (short stories, memoir) and constructive critique."
8 years ago