Eco-Friendly Burials on the Rise, Learning to ‘Speak’ Whale

Eco-friendly funerals are popular. We'll talk about composting, green burial and the death industry. Plus, do you speak whale? Exploring new research on whale communication.

Listen 49:59
West Laurel Hill Cemetery's

West Laurel Hill Cemetery's "Nature's Sanctuary" (Courtesy Laurel Hill Website)

We’re talking about death, a difficult topic for most people. But the way a lot of Americans view death and end-of-life care is shifting, maybe for the better. One of the leading voices in the death positivity movement in Philadelphia is Isabel Knight, she is the president of the National Home Funeral Alliance and works as a death doula.

From natural burial to human composting, eco-friendly end-of-life practices are increasing in popularity. A recent survey found 64% of Americans were interested in sustainable funeral options. We’ll look at the changing ways people are thinking about death and caring for loved ones. Global Green Burial Alliance founder Edward Bixby, who owns 13 cemeteries including Cape May County’s Steelmantown preserve, joins us alongside Nancy Goldenberg, President and CEO of Laurel Hill and West Laurel Hill Cemeteries.

How do whales communicate? A new study from Denmark brought some fascinating deep sea findings to the surface. Millersville University aquatic biology professor Dominique Didier joins us to talk about the giant mammals’ language and what is getting in their way, from cruise ships to wind farming.

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