The Unraveling of America’s Suburbs, Embracing Hair Loss, Road Salt and Climate

Life in the burbs was once the American dream - a big house, grassy yard and good schools. Now that dream is crumbling, argues author Benjamin Herold.

Listen 49:49
Through the stories of five American families, a masterful and timely exploration of how hope, history, and racial denial collide in the suburbs and their schools.

Through the stories of five American families, a masterful and timely exploration of how hope, history, and racial denial collide in the suburbs and their schools.

With recent heavy snowfall throughout the region, there’s lots of slushy salt on roads and sidewalks, keeping pedestrians and drivers safe. While salting can be good for our commutes, it has a damaging effect on the environment and local waterways. We’ll talk with Stroud Water Research Center scientist John Jackson about the impacts and alternatives.

A house in the suburbs with great schools and safe, green neighborhoods was once the pinnacle of the American dream. But education journalist Benjamin Herold argues the suburbs are in decline. He followed five very different suburban families across the U.S. and says crumbling infrastructure, poor schools, and divisive politics have led to the disappearance of opportunities – especially for Black and brown households. Herold’s new book is Disillusioned: Five Families and the Unraveling of America’s Suburbs.

The pressure to conform to certain beauty standards can be exhausting and especially demanding for people in the public eye. CBS News Philadelphia reporter and anchor Aziza Shuler is forging her own path, opening up about her journey with the autoimmune condition Alopecia, which causes hair loss. She joins us to talk about why bald is beautiful.

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