Finding an extra grandma before it was too late
After meeting Lolly, I suddenly understood that I had a third grandmother — still a sparkplug — someone I may have never really known ...
8 years ago
Keeping the friend list tidy with my yearly little-black-book ritual
It’s not the New Year’s resolutions that preoccupy me this time of year. I make resolutions daily. The true measure of the ...
8 years ago
Eight dreidels a-twirling — a song for Hanukkah
Hanukkah isn’t always convenient. There have been many years when we postponed our celebration until winter break when our kids cou ...
8 years ago
When dog adoption is hindered by racism
Many of us who want to make a rescue animal part of the family have experienced the flip-side to the problem of abandoned pets: foster gr ...
8 years ago
How I learned to stop worrying and love the laundry
Six months ago I ran a 10K with my daughter in Central Park in New Yor ...
8 years ago
A tale of two Cubas, before and after Castro died
When Fidel Castro died on Nov. 26, I was in Cuba on a cultural exchange with my school. I had the unexpected opportunity to experience th ...
8 years ago
Making a list of progressive non-profits, checking it twice
This is the time of year I usually indulge in a shopper's "high," taking my credit cards out for a joy ride, selecting gifts for family and friends. Not after this election.
8 years ago
Fair Food connects those in need with turkeys from Howe family farm for their Thanksgiving tables
The turkeys are fed a vegetarian diet, complemented by probiotics. By processing their birds just days before Thanksgiving — 1,200 a da ...
8 years ago
When I was growing up, my grandmother would always bring one dish to Christmas and Thanksgiving. Grandmom made the best baked macaroni an ...
8 years ago
Change we can believe in — dreaming of Thanksgiving without the ‘big bird’
Why is it that on the holiday devoted to thankfulness we eat our least-favorite food? I’m not talking about the “sides” ...
8 years ago
You said you want to move to Canada? Go soon while it’s still hot.
Scurrilous allegations of Canada's blandness and Canadians' tentativeness abound, but Canada abounds in color and character and civility.
8 years ago
Helpful, hospitable, and polite — in search of American good manners
In his book, “The Republicans,” Lewis ...
8 years ago
Why Philadelphia City Hall needs a dedicated advocate for domestic violence survivors
In the city of Philadelphia, police officers respond to over 100,000 domestic-related calls each year. And those are the cases we’r ...
8 years ago
Giving ourselves over to the navigational wiles of Waze
My husband Jon and I have fallen for the same woman. Her name is Amy. Or at least that’s the name the Waze app gives her in ...
8 years ago
In the midst of calamity, daily life goes on — because it must
Each time the subway stops, the conductor garbles, “This is a broken-down D train.” At least, that’s what I think he ...
8 years ago