Dispute over Neshaminy’s ‘Redskins’ mascot nears hearing
A preliminary ruling by the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission has found that a Bucks County high school’s mascot is offensive ...
10 years ago
ListenPhilly mayoral hopeful Abraham pins school spending on Wolf’s tax breaks
With education a major issue in the Philadelphia mayor’s race, Democratic candidate Lynne Abraham has put forth her plan to fund th ...
10 years ago
What does a state education formula do?
Political and legal pressure for a state education formula is mounting. A statewide coalition of advocacy groups is pushing Harrisburg to ...
10 years ago
ListenWaiting for fair-funding formula, school leaders assess Pa. funding disparities
When it comes to disparities in school funding, Pennsylvania is leading the country. Community members gathered Wednesday in the S ...
10 years ago
After three years, ASPIRA’s Olney Charter High School says ‘yes’ to union
Decked out in blue for the school’s colors, teachers and staff at ASPIRA Olney Charter High School linked arms in the school’ ...
10 years ago
How is special education paid for in Pennsylvania public schools?
School districts complain that the amounts have not kept up with costs. In 2014, the state modestly increased funding while making some c ...
10 years ago
ListenPa. school funding panel expected to issue recommendations in June
Editor’s note: An earlier version of this story incorrectly attributed a quote from Michael Churchill to Barbara Grimaldi. ...
10 years ago
Million-dollar ad buy pushes for Philly charter school expansion
“Why are the politicians stopping good schools from helping more of our kids?” That’s the question asked by one ...
10 years ago
Audit knocks Pa. state colleges’ compliance with campus safety laws
Pennsylvania’s 14 state-owned universities must do more to comply with federal laws meant to ensure campus safety, according to a n ...
10 years ago
Shared costs of Pa. community college shift primarily to students
Public universities and colleges across the country are relying on tuition more than ever before. At 47 percent of the schools’ rev ...
10 years ago
How are charter schools funded in Pennsylvania?
With education funds scarce in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the debate over how charter schools get their money has never been more ...
10 years ago
ListenPa. scholarships funded through tax credits lift some, raise questions for others
One night in March, Kristen Lewis was working her cell phone as one of about 50 volunteers for the Children’s Scholarship Fund of P ...
10 years ago
ListenPa. lawmaker wants to put chronically underperforming schools under state control
There’s a general rule in Harrisburg: Republican leaders don’t authorize more education spending without demanding stricter a ...
10 years ago
ListenHow much does Pennsylvania spend on public schools, and how are costs shared?
Pennsylvania’s system for distributing its state education aid has been rated by some surveys as one of the most regressive in the ...
10 years ago
ListenMissed connection: Kenney’s website falters in Philly schools
Philadelphia teachers may have already cast their lot with Jim Kenney in this year’s mayor’s race, but they are having seriou ...
10 years ago