Touring the century-old Wanamaker organ, talking school vouchers and tax credits

    Pennsylvania lawmakers canceled today’s school voucher hearing for short notice. We’ll kick off tonight’s show with more on voucher programs.

    NewsWorks contributor Bill Hangley will talk to us about the Education Improvement Tax Credit for families who need financial help sending their kids to private or religious schools. We’ll look at the program and how it works.


    The Wanamaker store is gone, but the organ lives on. Let’s go for a tour of the century-old Philadelphia staple. Peter Crimmins will take us through the organ’s history.

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    It’s not just your imagination; the water is rising. Sea level experts say the East Coast waters are rising faster than ever. Carolyn Beeler will have more details for us from an expert from the University of Pennsylvania.

    Rutgers-Camden will host a conference tomorrow with criminologists who plan to talk about, among other things, communication with prison inmates. Lizz Fiedler talked with criminologist Jane Seigel about ways to make communication among inmates and their children better.

    To listen to NewsWorks Tonight, tune your radio to 91 FM at 6 p.m., or hear the show online. You can also subscribe to our podcast.

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