Social Responsibility at WHYY

A group of kids with masks on

It’s How We Live

WHYY is committed to giving a voice to those not heard, a platform to share everyone’s stories, a foundation to empower early and lifelong learners and a trusted space for unbiased news and conversation in our communities and within our workplace.

Marty Moss-Coane on stage hosting a panel discussion

Social Responsibility at WHYY is anchored in these core beliefs:


  • All persons deserve equal rights and equitable opportunities under a democratic society.
  • There is no place in our society for racism or other forms of discrimination.
  • In our civil society, all voices deserve to be heard through sharing, discussion, debate and the right to vote.


  • Every child deserves access to educational experiences that enable them to reach their full potential.
  • Lifelong learners benefit from easily accessible news, information and storytelling media outlets.
  • Exposure to world-class arts and culture explores universal truths, promotes diversity and strengthens society.


  • WHYY must cultivate a workplace culture that promotes a sense of belonging, respect, and opportunity for all.
  • WHYY takes seriously its responsibility to promote knowledge, to cultivate discussion and to shine a light on wrongs in our society.
  • The trust of our viewers, listeners and readers is paramount. In embodying and championing these principles, we will honor our role as the region’s trusted news source and an unbiased convener of discussions.

A group of young girls

We hold ourselves accountable by working together

Ten employee task forces keep track of where we are and where we want to be in the following areas. Here are just a few examples of the results.

Equity in wages, benefits, promotions.

  • Market comparisons and internal equity are continuously evaluated and adjustments are made whenever necessary.

Opportunities for employee professional development.

  • More than a quarter-million dollars is allocated annually for employee training.

Producing and acquiring programs that are created by – and appeal to – audiences from across the region.

  • Current initiatives include tracking source diversity in news programs and increasing acquisition of local programs that reflect our region’s diversity.

Providing news, information and community engagement content that reaches and represents our region.

  • WHYY partners with local independent news organizations through our News and Information Community Exchange.

Opening doors to opportunity through our Educational Services.

  • WHYY’s Media Labs in Philadelphia schools served thousands of students.

Ensuring that requests for support for WHYY are welcoming to all.

  • Language and images used in requests for support have been updated and are continuously reviewed.

Monitoring public opinion about WHYY to measure our achievements and areas for change.

  • WHYY Street Teams are active each week in diverse communities and regular public opinion surveys provide feedback on issues we need to address.

Marcus Samuelsson with You Oughta Know hosts Regina Mitchell and Shirley Min

WHYY actively applies our beliefs through these actions:

  • Creating news, information, and other program services offering unbiased information and diverse points of view around critical issues in our society.
  • Offering media and in-person channels to bring people together for civil exchanges of ideas and to open eyes and ears to wrongful attitudes and behaviors.
  • Providing a safe space that connects each of us to important ideas and all of us to each other.
  • Developing robust education programs that help citizens of all ages use the power of media to tell their own stories and the journeys of others.
  • Providing a safe haven for kids through quality educational programming on air and in the community.
  • Encouraging those with the economic means to support our services in ways that offer free and open access for all.

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