Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! on WHYY-FM makes keeping up with current events fun

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About Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!

Wait Wait Don't Tell me

Test your knowledge against some of the best and brightest in the news and entertainment world with host Peter Sagal. What’s real news? What’s made up? You’ll find out on Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!, NPR’s weekly hour-long quiz program.

Prior to becoming host of Wait Wait in 1998, Peter Sagal had a varied career including stints as a playwright, screenwriter, stage director, actor, extra in a Michael Jackson video, travel writer, essayist, ghostwriter and staff writer for a motorcycle magazine. Peter has three daughters and lives in the Chicago area with his wife Mara, two dogs named DeeDee and Dutchie, and some goldfish whose names he hasn’t bothered to learn.

Listen to Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!

Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! airs every Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 11 a.m.

  • Listen on WHYY-FM 90.9
  • Click the play button at the top-left of this page to stream it live
  • Stream it live on the WHYY Listen app

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