Todd Bookman
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High tech pillbox helps patients stay on track with medications
For patients with complicated medical conditions, keeping track of which pills to take and at what times can be confusing. As a resu ...
9 years ago
ListenWashington state hits Comcast with $100 million suit over claims of deceptive marketing
The attorney general of Washington state has ...
9 years ago
ListenIn high crime areas, teenagers must also navigate a ‘digital hood’
New research on the social media habits of inner-city youth finds that risks follow them online. In recent years, Camden, Ne ...
9 years ago
ListenTech startups offer tools to help winnow issues from politics
As the messy process of democracy plays out in Philadelphia this week, some civic tech startups are showing off tools aimed at cleaning u ...
9 years ago
No charge for test rides on SEPTA’s new electric bus during DNC
Commuters, and maybe a few visiting delegates, will get a sneak preview of SEPTA’s new electric buses during the Democratic Nationa ...
9 years ago
Philly-area moms can expect to pay more than most for maternity care
It’s not easy to give birth. And, in the Philadelphia region, it’s not cheap either. ...
9 years ago
ListenPa.’s U.S. Senate rivals spar over delay on Zika funding
A stalemate in Washington over funding for a Zika response plan is the latest point of debate in Pennsylvania’s closely watched Sen ...
9 years ago
After surgery, kids find creature comfort in faces, embraces of dogs at Best Friends Bash
Decked out in her formal bandanna, Emma is one of the distinguished guests at the Best Friends Bash. “She is an 11-year-old ...
9 years ago
ListenOne woman, the feet of a gecko and a scientific breakthrough
These days, Tonia Hsieh is in charge of her own lab full of eager science students, but when she was an undergrad, she found herself delv ...
9 years ago
ListenRepercussions of ‘Brexit’ reach Philadelphia region
If you are sitting there thinking, I live in South Philly (or South Jersey, or Wilmington). What does the “Brexit” have to do ...
9 years ago
The scientific breakthroughs behind modern fabric
From nylon to next-generation fabrics, the research lab always precedes the runway. For thousands of years, we humans donned ...
9 years ago
ListenArea researchers help pinpoint Jupiter-sized planet 3,700 light-years away
Astronomers are welcoming a newly discovered planet. Despite the humdrum name Kepler-1647b, the Jupiter-sized gas giant is the lar ...
9 years ago