Susie Perloff
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Philly’s lush life great for booze hounds, a bummer for sober folk
Happy hour. Beer week. Margarita month. Booze has proliferated in our culture, while I have been hiding under the rocks in a glass of clu ...
10 years ago
Getting slap-happy at the Broad Street Run
Sunday is the annual Blue Cross Broad Street run, and my wrists are ready. I spectate every year, and I hoist my arm for so long tha ...
10 years ago
Thirtieth Street Station’s name is iconic, so no one should change it. The “Rocky” steps to the Art Museum are iconic, ...
10 years ago
Sears, I’m going to miss you when you’re gone
“I’m serious!” “Well, I’m Roebuck. Who’s minding the store.” That old joke may cease to exist in the too-near ...
10 years ago
The gut-wrenching, stomach-turning consequences of international travel
Returning from vacation in a third-world land earlier this year, I developed traveler’s diarrhea. I spent five full days in bed, ge ...
10 years ago
‘Lucy the Elephant’ celebrating 133 years of tusk love
On Monday, July 14, five days before her 133rd birthday party, Lucy the Elephant, the symbol of Margate, New Jersey, will get her toenail ...
11 years ago
Generations of Alexander Calder art a trinity of blessings for Philadelphia
Three generations of men named Alexander Calder have graced Philadelphia with their remarkable creativity, yet most locals pay them no ...
11 years ago
Aunt Millie’s charoset, making Passover Seder worth waiting for year after year
Some families enjoy five-hour Seders, relishing a complete reprise the following night. Some Jews go for the 25-minute version. I prefer ...
11 years ago
A taxing question: Is it deductible?
Six women eat pizza for dinner. The check comes to $16 per woman, including tip, and each pays cash. As the waitress collects the ones an ...
11 years ago
The SATs no longer require an essay — so what?
Since people can’t write when they graduate from college, what difference does it make whether they can write ...
11 years ago
Art therapy for the body and mind at the Philly Tattoo Convention
“I was always an artist, a free spirit, the black sheep in a family of born-again Christians,” says Stephanie, whose limited ...
11 years ago
7 amazing Philadelphia libraries you’ve probably never heard of
Recently I attended a computer workshop in a classroom at Philadelphia FIGHT, an agency that im ...
11 years ago