Brian Hickey
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Farewell to Chase Utley, the nose-to-grindstone baseball hero that Philly needed most
An old adage holds that pet pooches tend to look like their owners, a dynamic which some researchers attributed to people picking dogs th ...
10 years ago
Independent mayoral candidate Boris Kindij vows to eliminate poverty, privatize trash collection
When a trio of aspiring mayoral candidates filed petitions earlier this month to join Jim Kenney (D) and Melissa Murray Bailey (R) on the ...
10 years ago
On participation trophies, fair play and taking parenting advice from James Harrison
The Pittsburgh Steelers’ James Harrison won praise from Outrage Nation warriors battling American “wussification” when ...
10 years ago
A pizzeria that Pope Francis would appreciate finds itself in the papal weekend-security zone
Rosa’s Fresh Pizza in Center City has garnered a lot of attention for the pay-it-forward spirit of customers who use extra dollar b ...
10 years ago
NBC10 nixes Philly mayoral debate after Kenney campaign objects to reaction-shot camera angle
Travel with NinetyNine back to the year 1960. That September, John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon faced off in the nation’s fi ...
10 years ago
Hit-and-run victim remembered as ‘kind man who truly loved science’
When 46-year-old Joseph Heard died from injuries sustained in a ...
10 years ago
Challenge to independent mayoral candidate’s nominating petitions dropped
Remember Tuesday’s story about a petition challenge being fil ...
10 years ago
Rasheed Bailey hopes football path that started at Mifflin Elementary takes him to NFL
Once upon a time (about a dozen years ago) in a schoolyard not too far from Kelly Drive (the one behind Thomas Mifflin School in East Fal ...
10 years ago
Challenge filed against independent mayoral candidate’s nominating petitions
Independent mayoral candidate James Foster faces a petition challenge that was filed just before Monday’s deadline by an attorney w ...
10 years ago
Lynne Abraham reportedly offers to fill in for indicted A.G. Kane
According to reports from ...
10 years ago
Bailey: Let Uber operate inside the Papal Weekend ‘traffic box’
Should Uber-X get a free pass to drive throughout the city during Pope Francis’ visit next month? Republican mayoral candidate Meli ...
10 years ago
As Voting Rights Act turns 50, call for ‘universal, automatic’ registration system rings out [audio]
Moments after the bell struck 11 a.m. in Independence Hall’s clock tower, a group of elected and civic leaders lauded the 50th anni ...
10 years ago