Matching Gifts
Double, or even triple, the value of your contribution to WHYY at no cost to you!
Many companies (both large and small) will match charitable contributions made by their employees, and may even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses. Your employer may “match” your donation with a gift of an equal (or greater) amount to WHYY!

What is an employer Matching Gift?
Many companies set aside special funds each year to match contributions their employees make to qualified non-profit organizations. WHYY is a qualified organization. Most often, the companies match contributions dollar for dollar, but matches can vary. Check your company’s matching guidelines. Employer matching gifts increase the impact of your personal support and will help provide critical funding for the WHYY programs and services you rely on
What do I need to get my gift matched?
The employee must initiate the matching gift process. This usually means contacting your employer or former employer to obtain the proper form, completing the form, and mailing it to WHYY as soon as possible. WHYY verifies that the contribution was received, and that it qualifies for a match. WHYY then sends the form to your employer for verification. If all of your company’s matching gift guidelines are met, they will issue the matching funds to WHYY.
After I submit my matching gift form, will all my future contributions be matched too?
No…. Unfortunately this is a common misconception. You must submit a matching gift form with each contribution that you make to WHYY. Often members request several forms at once and then just send one with each donation they make.
Are there restrictions on matching contributions?
Most companies require WHYY to deduct the fair market value of any thank you gift you received and will only match the remaining portion of your donation. Most companies also require a minimum contribution to qualify for a match.
Must I be a full time active employee to have my contributions matched?
Not at all! Most companies match gifts from part time employees and retirees, too.
Is there a time limit on eligibility to get my contribution to WHYY matched?
Companies do require that WHYY complete and return the form within a set time period, usually within 90 days. We recommend that you submit your form to WHYY at the same time you make your contribution or shortly after.
Special note for members who pay in installments
Please be advised, Matching Gift forms for members paying in installments (including sustaining members) need to be handled differently than a one-time contribution. Due to the prorated amount of your pledge, we cannot confirm the original amount of your pledge until it is paid in full. Many employers will not match unfulfilled pledges and it would be best to do one of the following:
- Submit your Matching Gift form when the entire pledge amount has been fulfilled.
- Submit two Matching Gift forms; one after six months of giving and a second after the 12 month of giving.
- If your monthly contribution is $25 or above, you may submit a form monthly.
For more information or if you have questions, please call: 215-351-0535 or email matchinggifts@whyy.org.