The new face of retirement

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August 8, 2011 — Each day in the U.S., 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 – that’s legal retirement age, a time to collect benefits, to live on investments, to play golf all day…to write that book. Or maybe not! These days, the retirement landscape is changing. In fact, many older Americans say they may never really enter their golden years. Some keep working because they want to or because they have to. Many of a certain age are busier than ever, diving into new interests and activities. Certainly in light of the economy and new quality of life choices we make, this stage of life marks something quite different for each of us.

Dr. Dan Gottlieb looks at retirement – it’s being redefined, just as we are. Dan’s guests include: Dick Goldberg, Beau Ballinger, and Liane Hansen. Dick Goldberg is National Director of the Coming of Age Initiative. Beau Ballinger is an advisor for AARP in Washington, D.C. Liane Hansen was the senior host of NPR’s Weekend Edition Sunday until her retirement in May 2011.

Photo by Flickr user Patrick

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