Union uses National PTSD Awareness Day to call for better veteran services

    It’s National PTSD Awareness Day and members of the American Federation of Government Employees are calling on the Department of Veterans Affairs to help increase awareness of and access to post-traumatic stress disorder for the nation’s war vets.

    “It is up to VA management to simplify the processes veterans must go through in order to receive necessary services and provide sufficient training to its employees on complex conditions,” AFGE National Secretary-Treasurer J. David Cox said in a release.

    “Our members have seen the frustration of veterans who must navigate a sometimes cumbersome bureaucracy and are eager to sit down with management to discuss workable solutions that will benefit our veterans.”

    AFGE is the largest federal employee union at 625,000 workers. Its member say inadequate staffing leads to a missed PTSD diagnosis, resulting in a lack of treatment.

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