Rendell names Chief Accountability Officer to oversee stimulus funds

    By: Scott Detrow

    As promised, Governor Rendell has appointed a “chief accountability officer” to oversee Pennsylvania’s use of federal stimulus dollars.

    By: Scott Detrow

    As promised, Governor Rendell has appointed a “chief accountability officer” to oversee Pennsylvania’s use of federal stimulus dollars.

    Rendell is naming Montgomery County resident Ron Naples as the state’s top stimulus watchdog.

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    The 63-year-old former CEO will be paid $120,000 to oversee the dispersal of more than $10 billion in federal aid over the next year.

    Rendell says he envisions Naples working alongside General Services Secretary James Creedon, who’s directing stimulus implementation.

    Rendell: “He’s not an auditor general. He’s not just an auditor. His responsibilities are to make sure that transparency is there and accountability is there, but to improve effectiveness, to make suggestions from what he sees and what he learns. And that’s true for the whole commission.”

    The governor’s Stimulus Oversight Commission held its first meeting shortly after Rendell announced Naples’ appointment.

    The board is made up of representatives from all four legislative caucuses, Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation, the Chamber of Business and Industry, United Way, and AFL-CIO.

    Rendell says the panel will meet twice a month.

    Click on the play button below or right click on this link and choose “Save Link As” to download. [audio: reports20090331account.mp3]

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