TV Schedule
Looking for WHYY-TV on another device? Here’s how to find us.
Here’s how to find WHYY-TV:
- Streaming live for subscribers of Hulu + Live TV and YouTube TV.
- Over the air: 12.1 (TV12), 12.2 (Y2), 12.3 (Ykids)
- Comcast: 12 (TV12), 812 (TV12 HD), 257 (Y2), 258 (Ykids)
- Verizon FiOS: 12 (TV12), 512 (TV12 HD), 474 (Y2), 473 (Ykids)
- WDPB 64 Delaware: 64.1 (TV12), 64.2 (Y2), 64.3 (Ykids)
For help in receiving WHYY with an antenna, please visit: www.antennaweb.org