Here for the Drama: Sanditon, Season 2 Episode 3

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Dear reader,

Where should we begin? This week in Sanditon headlines: Someone loses an elephant, someone delivers a baby and someone’s at the end of their rope.

It’s time for the Midsummer Fair! I don’t remember this “annual” tradition from last season, but perhaps it was the day of cricket? Anyway, this year Tom has promised there will be two “elephantus” in attendance. But after he posts flyers all around town, the elephant guests cancel their appearance. Just when Arthur almost gets his chance to save the day, Lennox steps in with a surprise…

Before all that, let’s check in around “the ton.” Lennox catches Charlotte on her morning walk to work and tells her, “You deserve a position in which you are afforded the respect you are due.” Have I been too harsh on Lennox? But back in the town, the shopkeepers are clamoring for Tom to get Lennox to pay them for the mess dinner. So maybe not? Why wouldn’t Lennox pay them?

Over at Colbourne’s, I continue to have questions. How big is 1000 acres? What does Colbourne do for a living? Why does Charlotte think she can calm that horse? To the last question: Charlotte did grow up on a farm, after all. Together, Charlotte and Colbourne are able to harness the aforementioned horse. It’s a similar high-stress situation in which Charlotte found herself with Sidney when they rushed to aid Old Springer last season.

Speaking of Sidney, Georgiana still can’t figure out why he was in Antigua. Her mother died giving birth and her father died a few years ago. Her father’s plantation was sold upon his death. What business would Sidney have there? So far, the only idea I have is: Could Georgiana have a sibling?

At the Denham’s, Esther opts out of going to the fair to keep her eyes on Clara. And good thing, because not moments later, Clara goes into labor. Is Esther going to deliver a baby? Yes, reader, she is. And what loss and grief mingled with such joy when she turns around holding the baby.

On the coast, the Midsummer Fair is going splendidly, and we’re finally about to find out what Lennox’s surprise is. It’s… a hot air balloon! Reader, I did some digging on the history of hot air balloons and it turns out some countries did use hot air balloons in battle. History, check! None of the men will go up in the balloon, so of course Charlotte volunteers and goes up with Lennox. But! The soldiers lose the rope! Then Arthur grabs the rope! He’s only just hanging on! He’s flying! Arthur is LIVING!

Everyone’s fine and gets their feet back on solid ground, and Lennox finally decides to tell Charlotte why he hates Colbourne: “Be on your guard against Mr. Colbourne,” he says, because Colbourne “stole” the woman he loved, then “destroyed” her. I’m wary of this story, readers. Is it true? Or is it a misunderstanding?

Til next time,

P.S. That teaser for next week! It looks like Georgiana is finally going to find out what Sidney was doing in Antigua. What do you think? Reply to this email and let me know your predictions!

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