Violent crime numbers on the rise

Listen 00:48:45

Guests: Chris Palmer, Ames Grawert, John Roman

Violent crime numbers are up in Philadelphia and nationally.  While the amount of homicides and assaults still lurks around historic lows, there has been a spike in 2015 and, according to a new report from the Brennan Center for Justice, in 2016 as well.  Today on Radio Times, we’ll discuss the statistics, what they indicate, and what has changed in the past two years that might explain the bump in violence.  First, we’ll talk about Philadelphia’s homicide rate with Philadelphia Inquirer crime reporter CHRIS PALMER.  We’ll then be joined by the lead author of the Brennan study, AMES GRAWERT, and by researcher JOHN ROMAN to talk about the rates of violence in cities across America and how Philadelphia compares.

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