102-year-old Alan Tripp just released his first album titled Senior Song Book from his retirement community in Bryn Mawr. Starting his musical career as a jingle-writer (notably, Choo Choo Charlie from Good & Plenty), Tripp and his friend Marvin have 10 songs about growing older, such as “I Just Can’t Remember Your Name.”
La Colombe coffee is loved by many Philadelphians – but did you know they also offer classes? Lead baker, John McGrath, offers pizza classes and sourdough workshops at La Colombe’s flagship location in Fishtown.
A Bucks County man is on a mission to restore a full scale replica of the Project Mercury capsule that skyrocketed NASA astronaut John Glenn into orbit around the Earth in 1962. Once complete, Mark Calhoun hopes to take the capsule on an educational road tour in hopes of getting kids excited about space and the sciences.
In 1931, a group of 9 Italian immigrants started the Da Vinci Art Alliance in Bella Vista, Philadelphia. To this day, the very same historic row home continues to build community through art with up to 35 exhibitions per year, events, and more.