Comcast opposes Obama plan to reclassify Internet service as public utility
President Barack Obama has jumped into the debate on network neutrality, siding with ...
10 years ago
ListenEarth watery from birth – A geological study of meteorites and asteroids indicates that surface water was here at ...
Air Date: November 11, 2014
Investigators wrap site work in spaceship crash
Federal investigators who have been in the Mojave Desert trying to find out why an experimental spaceship crashed are wrapping up their w ...
10 years ago
Chinese spacecraft Change’e 5T1 launched last Wednesday, did a swing around the moon and is now on its way back t ...
Air Date: November 3, 2014
ListenRussians deliver space station cargo after US rocket explosion
Just hours after an American cargo run to the International Space Station ended in flames, a Russian supply ship has arrived at the stati ...
10 years ago
Preparing for the next hurricane requires making tough decisions
Two years after the devastation wrought by Hurricane Sandy, many of New Jersey’s coastal communities continue to struggle with reco ...
10 years ago
Tricks on terra-firma, treats overhead
Halloween and cross-quarter day comes this Friday with a first quarter moon, followed by All Saints Day November ...
Air Date: October 28, 2014
ListenConsult your travel agent for 8/21/17 hotel special rates!
A partial solar eclipse will begin just as the sun is setting Thursday afternoon. Derrick offers tips for safe viewing. ...
Air Date: October 20, 2014
ListenBlinking red light means: Stop and look aloft
Mars and its red twin Antares cozy up to each other in the night sky. A small nearby galaxy intrigues astronomers focus ...
Air Date: October 14, 2014
ListenFAA, flight attendants square off over electronics
The nation’s largest flight attendants union is arguing that aviation officials flew in the face of a federal law last year when th ...
10 years ago
“Hey Joe – Where You Goin’ . . .” To Outer Space
ISSpresso anyone? Espresso supplier Lavazza has teamed up with an Italian engineering company to produce a zero-gravity ...
Air Date: October 6, 2014
ListenWhy do we drink tomato juice on planes?
Ever get the urge to drink a glass of tomato juice on a flight? You aren’t alone, and there’s a scientific explanation why. ...
10 years ago
ListenTwo New Spacecraft in Orbit at Mars; MAVEN (atmospheric studies) and the Indian Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM); (atmospheri ...
Air Date: September 29, 2014
ListenFor more summer, go South… or way North
Summer ended at 10:29 p.m. Monday. If we were on Mars we could enjoy summer for a whole 6 months, thanks to it’s ...
Air Date: September 23, 2014
ListenDozens rally at Comcast over proposed merger, new FCC rules
More than 50 “net neutrality” advocates stood outside of Comcast’s headquarters in downtown Philadelphia Monday, rallyi ...
10 years ago