Is Philadelphia good for business?/Cosby mistrial

Listen 00:48:59

Guests: Bobby Allyn, Laura Benshoff, Michael Nutter, Josh Sevin

Is Philadelphia good for business? Like any city, there is a delicate balancing act in meeting the needs of the citizens and the needs of the company’s that call it home. Recent laws, such as the beverage tax, or the new law that prohibits employers from asking job applicants about their previous salary, have ruffled feathers of business leaders and small business owners alike. That said, for the first time in 25 years, Philadelphia is growing its job market at a faster rate than New York City. Today, we’ll discuss some of the ways Philly is, and isn’t, a good place to do business. We’re joined by former Mayor of Philadelphia, MICHAEL NUTTER, and by JOSH SEVIN, acting executive director of The Economy League of Greater Philadelphia. But first, we’ll hear about the Cosby mistrial from WHYY’s BOBBY ALLYN and LAURA BENSHOFF.

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