Marybeth Hagan
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Pa. legislation would protect the lives of those deemed undesirable
In the U.S., we’re engaging in a method of eugenics by reducing populations of babies prenatally diagnosed with Down syndrome.
7 years ago
America is really going to the dogs — and who can blame us?
As we grow further apart, forming factions within our nation, as technology weakens our social skills, as more of us live alone, pets can be a source of unconditional love.
7 years ago
Curbing abortion, keeping Mother’s Day sustainable
Thank goodness we still celebrate Mother’s Day, since legal abortion creates such confusion about maternity. Abortion advocates are ...
9 years ago
Time for pro-choicers and pro-lifers to agree to agree on something
Calling all pro-choicers and pro-lifers! Might we finally agree to agree on something now that we know ...
10 years ago
Keep the ‘mighty moms’ of America’s military in your heart this holiday season
As the holiday season moves full speed ahead, I keep thinking about the Mighty Moms and other mothers whom I met among patriots at the Un ...
10 years ago
Managing to be thankful, after divorce, on a dramatically different holiday
Wishing upon a departed turkey’s wishbone was one of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions as a child. Like fairy tales, this peculiar cu ...
10 years ago
Our overused F-word: A broken-window theory for civil language
The F-word. This vulgar term for the act of sexual intercourse, which dates back to the early 16th century, was once limited to locker-ro ...
10 years ago
Christie’s stump for Corbett gives me hope for ‘genuine leadership’
When I arrived at Valley Forge Military Academy and College’s handsome Mellon Hall for the rally on Thursday evening, I was thinkin ...
10 years ago
Menopause is no picnic, but medical resources should be used to fight bigger problems
Enough already with “Woe is me!” menopausal lamentations. Menopause is just another fact of life for women. Count me a ...
11 years ago
Keeping the old faith in a new way
Déjà vu, I thought, while down on my knees last month at a Sacred Heart Novena of Masses in honor of Jesus Christ. Like many things Cat ...
11 years ago
Canceled commencement speeches, obstetric malpractice suit demonstrate severe lack of gratitude
Some of us seem to be suffering from a serious lack of gratitude. Recent news reports about woeful-when-they-should-be-gra ...
11 years ago
Why conservatives fight against threats to religious liberty and rights of conscience
When I learned about a meeting of seriously bright, faith-based minds at “The Manhattan Declaration: Religious Liberty in Philadelp ...
11 years ago