Jan Ting
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Congressional testimony on national security and the threat at our borders
The following is testimony that I submitted to the Subcommittees on National Security and Government Operations, of the Committee on Over ...
9 years ago
My testimony supporting HB1506 to make English the official language of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania House of Representatives Commit ...
10 years ago
It has long been my contention that the United States has the most generous legal ...
10 years ago
“Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future”
Many American adults remember from our childhood the cartoon series “The Jetsons ...
10 years ago
Why immigration is a problem for the U.S.
According to the latest jobs report, 8.3 million Americans were officially unemployed in July, of whom 2.2 million were classified as lon ...
10 years ago
Obama administration pays $400,000 for harassing ICE attorney trying to enforce immigration law.
Patricia M. Vroom is the top attorney for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforce ...
10 years ago
Trump and Bush, ‘anchor babies’ and birthright citizenship
Donald Trump has made himself the Republican frontrunner for president by advocating enforcement of U.S. immigration law and an end to bi ...
10 years ago
A letter from wartime China reminds us things have been much, much worse
A letter from from wartime China by my aunt (my father’s older sister), who attended the Shipley School, graduated from Bryn Mawr C ...
10 years ago
Time for a woman on U.S. currency, but how?
There’s a growing consensus that it’s time for a woman to appear on U.S. currency, but there’s been no agreement on how ...
10 years ago
Now we know that President Obama’s plan to unilaterally legalize mil ...
10 years ago
Why Obama’s immigration amnesty is bad policy and should be blocked by the courts
Ever since Congress started limiting the numbers of immigrants, our courts have repeatedly found that protecting the jobs and wages of Am ...
10 years ago
Remembering the 1971 raid on the FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania
I recently saw the new documentary film “197 ...
10 years ago