Politics & Policy
U.S. unable to aid Libya because of Afghan, Iraq wars
The great debate these days seems to be whether and how to aid the rebellious people of Libya in their efforts to overthrow their dictato ...
14 years ago
I just got back from a long weekend in Las Vegas, which accounts for a gap in my blog. Despite being hard hit by the recession, the Las ...
14 years ago
Obama Right to Retreat on Gitmo
I’ve always thought that a detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, made sense. In fact, back when I worked for the old Immigrati ...
14 years ago
Will Pa. and N.J. governors follow Wisconsin’s lead?
The bitter labor fight in Wisconsin is like the fight over legalized abortion in that both sides think they benefit from keeping the figh ...
14 years ago
The illogic of cutting your way out of a fiscal mess
Political rhetoric inside the Beltway is so predictably fatuous these days, it’s easy to treat it like Muzak. Try to ignore ...
14 years ago
Afghanistan is Vietnam. Now what?
It’s in nobody’s political interest to focus on what’s happening in Afghanistan, and it sure seems like nobody’s ...
14 years ago
Should we celebrate secession, treason, and the defense of slavery?
This year marks the sesquicentennial of the start of the Civil War. The 150th anniversary of the prelude to that war, the secession of S ...
14 years ago
Casey pushes for early education funding
U.S. Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania introduced a bill Thursday to help more low-income children learn and develop. The “Supporting St ...
14 years ago
Pennsylvania pols pursue plum positions
When politicians decide to seek a new elected office, the first step is often to quietly pass the word of one’s interest in a posit ...
14 years ago
Same-sex marriage and Obama’s decision to dump DOMA
The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Clinton in 1996. Among other provisions, it s ...
14 years ago
We live in uncertain and insecure times
What will be the impact of rising gasoline and food prices predicted for later this year? How will those increased costs affect the econ ...
14 years ago
Where did all the money go in the financial crash?
In my class on Partnership Taxation we were discussing the fact that hedge fund managers are taxed on their multi-million or billion doll ...
14 years ago