Wasn’t the BRT abolished? What does it have to do with new assessments?
Some readers want to know: “What does the Board of Revision of Taxes have to do with Philadelphia’s new property assessments? ...
12 years ago
Why are some Philly property assessments different from sales prices? [Updated]
Just a couple of months ago, a building at the corner of Philadelphia’s Seventh and Bainbridge streets sold for $950,000. The city asse ...
12 years ago
Should Philly use gaming money to lower property taxes?
Should Philadelphia’s gaming revenue be used to lower property taxes? Since Mayor Michael Nutter is ...
12 years ago
Bowles speaks in Philly as Washington stares at sequester — what would you ask him?
It is a fitting time for Erskine Bowles to be in Philadelphia. He and his fellow co-chair of the National Commission on Fiscal Respo ...
12 years ago
Nutter says old property tax system is ‘dead’
Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter says the city’s defective property tax system is no more. After working to get its house in or ...
12 years ago
New Philly tax valuations leave some furious, others grateful
Will Massey is furious about Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter’s Actual Value Initiative. ...
12 years ago
The Corbett administration has agreed on the extension of a British company’s winning bid on the Pennsylvania Lottery. The bid was ...
12 years ago
Mayor Nutter’s tax bill could drop under AVI
Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter’s property tax bill could drop under the Actual Value Initia ...
12 years ago
Philly BRT’s website lacks property assessment information
Want an application to formally appeal your new property assessment from the city of Philadelphia? You won’t find it ...
12 years ago
Conshohocken steelworker sues for health insurance for gay spouse
It’s a case that highlights the uncertainty of laws surrounding same-sex couples: A steelworker in Conshohocken has sued his union ...
12 years ago
How do I appeal my Philly property assessment?
Taxipedia is answering people’s questions about Philadelphia’s property reassessment. First up: How do property owners ap ...
12 years ago
Could property tax relief help me owe less to Philly government?
Property-tax relief could help you. But it could also hurt, depending on what property you own. Here are several types of tax reli ...
12 years ago
How does Philadelphia do tax assessments?
If you own a property in Philadelphia, the city has reassessed it as part of its massive ...
12 years ago
AVI stands for “Actual Value Initiative.” That’s a boring name for the tax revolution that Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter is try ...
12 years ago
Is AVI a done deal in Philadelphia?
In many ways, the controversial property-tax overhaul known as the Actual Value Initiative (AVI) ...
12 years ago