The new bill would allow cars to park next to a protected bike lane or pedestrian plaza, essentially redefining what constitutes a curb.
Senate Transportation Committee Chair Wayne Langerholc Jr. said the legislation could make it out of committee and to the governor’s desk this fall — if it has the support. Langerholc said some lawmakers are concerned with how trucks would make deliveries and the compatibility between certain roads and protected bike lanes.
Bartholomew said the new rule wouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all situation.
“This is definitely not a mandate, it’s just giving local folks the flexibility to do it if they want,” he said. “I think that this configuration makes sense in a lot of places. But of course, if someone says, ‘This just isn’t the best thing for us,’ they’re absolutely free to not pursue this.”
Philadelphia’s Office of Transportation and Infrastructure Systems partnered with PennDOT in 2020 to install parking-protected bike lanes on JFK Boulevard and Market Street, among other state roads, to study their safety benefits.
It found decreases in vehicle speeds and rates of fatalities and serious injuries, as well as increases in bicycle volumes on roads where bike lanes are protected.
Now, the office wants to turn its focus to using that data to support the legislation that will permit safer street designs, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator Jeannette Brugger said.
“How long do things have to be tested for it to be seen as the new thing to do that is codified?” she said. “I think this pilot has run its course. We are not to a point where we want to expand … We are moving forward with hopefully a legislative solution.”
For Bartholomew, it’s a worthwhile compromise, a sentiment shared by Russell Richie, treasurer of the Philadelphia-based PAC 5th Square.
“We don’t need more studies,” Richie said. “We know what makes streets safe and it’s infrastructure that slows down cars, that converts space for cars into a space for people and bikes and transit.”
Both Philadelphia City Council and the Pennsylvania General Assembly will reconvene in September.