PennFuture recommends that municipalities categorize truck terminals as “conditional uses,” requiring traffic impact studies, additional review, and a chance for the public to weigh in before they’re permitted.
PennFuture’s model ordinance requires all warehouses to build chargers for electric vehicles, which do not emit exhaust, but only for passenger cars — not for the trucks that transport goods to and from facilities.
“The beauty of the model ordinance is that it can be added to, modified by any municipality,” Meyer said. “So if that is something that is a significant concern for somebody, it can be added in there.”
The model ordinance requires truck terminals provide amenities for truck drivers including parking, bathrooms, a break room, and vending machines.
“That helps minimize the amount of driving on the roadways, because if they can’t stay put, take their needed time off at the facility, they have to drive around and find somewhere else,” Meyer said.
PennFuture recommends municipalities avoid permitting logistics uses in already overburdened environmental justice communities. Under the model ordinance, large warehouses would need to perform environmental and community impact analyses.
One environmental impact warehouses built on previously undeveloped land can have is increased stormwater runoff due to the clearing of vegetation and paving of surfaces. The Lehigh River has been called one of the most endangered in the U.S. due to nearby warehouse development.
“What that leads to is an increased volume and velocity of stormwater runoff,” Meyer said. “It will increase the temperature of this runoff because the water is no longer falling onto trees or onto soil. … There’s also the introduction of pollutants, most notably things like road salt.”
PennFuture’s model ordinance requires all warehouses or logistics centers maintain or create forested buffers along any waterways and cut down no more than half of the mature trees on the property.
Some considerations in PennFuture’s model ordinance are already part of Philly’s zoning rules, while others are not. For example, Philly already requires that all development leave 50-foot buffers along waterways, and the city recently expanded requirements for developers around preserving and planting trees.
But there is no requirement that truck terminals be located close to expressways, and some by-right warehousing and logistics centers in Philly are more than a half mile away from these major roadways, said Bruce Bohri, a spokesperson for Philadelphia’s Department of Planning and Development in an emailed response to questions.
Requirements that logistics centers provide amenities for truck drivers are not currently in Philly’s code, but “have been under discussion,” Bohri said.