Those factors include people who left the workforce because they have children attending school online or on a hybrid schedule.
“To the extent that you have folks that would otherwise be out actively searching for a job still home doing school with their kids,” Cooke said.
There is also the COVID risk factor to consider, especially with seasonal jobs at the shore.
“Those are jobs where you’re dealing more closely face to face with individuals and putting your health at risk,” Hayes said.
Attracting candidates
At Morey’s in Wildwood, the hourly rate has been raised to $15 in hopes of attracting potential employees, and a campaign, of sorts, is underway to try to recruit the hundreds of workers needed for the season.
“We have about 15 billboards in the area that are normally advertising our offerings to the public that are now advertising our jobs,” Beckson said.
In addition to the billboards, Morey’s is advertising online on several platforms, including Facebook, Spotify, and U-Loop, and has notified the National Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce about the available positions.