For this performance of Beethoven with the Philadelphia Orchestra, Anadol “taught” his system by feeding it hundreds of thousands of images of Renaissance art and architecture, the kind of aesthetics that Beethoven himself would have been consuming when he wrote his celebrated works.
“We are taking from the Renaissance era every single building ever done, every single sculpture ever created, and every single painting ever done,” Anadol said. “These are amazingly large cultural data. We are trying to make an AI to dream these beautiful cultural elements of humanity.”
The system uses fluid dynamics algorithms to generate animation effects resembling flowing water and wind through hair. It often comes across like a psychedelic dreamscape, set to the power of a full orchestra, large chorus, and vocal soloists bringing Beethoven’s grandeur to life.
To Anadol, this is the most ethical application for artificial intelligence.
“AI is a myth that people think in the most negative way, but actually it can be a tool for humanity, for the next journey,” he said. “Like any technology, it has a 50% chance of being used for good reasons. I’m not saying that it will never be bad or used for wrong, but the question is: what else can we do with it, such as creating art, beautiful experiences, and positive applications? That’s, I think, very exciting.”
Anadol’s AI visualizations have accompanied other orchestras in the past, including at the Brucknerhaus in Austria and with the Los Angeles Philharmonic. Normally the visuals are recordings of the machine’s responses to music played back from the stage, but this performance with the Philadelphia Orchestra will be the first time the artificial intelligence machine is responding live to music in real time, answering the age-old question: Do androids dream of electric sheep?
The program of Beethoven coupled with Anadol’s machine will be performed this weekend only in Verizon Hall.